High-Pressure Recovery Vessels (HPRVs)

High-Pressure Recovery Vessels (HPRVs)

Our high-pressure recovery vessel, or HPRV, at the deep-sea vents in the South Pacific. (Peter Girguis / WHOI)

Our high-pressure recovery vessel, or HPRV, that allows us to recover animals and microbes without de-pressurization. (Peter Girguis)

The high-pressure recovery vessels (HPRVs) are designed to be readily deployed by elevator, DSV, or ROV to enable the collection of samples without de-pressurization. To date this system has been used to collect Alviniconcha and Ifremeria snails from hydrothermal vent sites in the Lau Basin.

All parts and drawings are available upon request.


The Autonomous In-Situ Biogeochemical Sensor System (ABISS)


In-Situ Mass Spectrometer (ISMS)