In-Situ Stable Carbon Isotope Methane/DIC Analyzer (“laser spec”)

The in situ stable isotope analyzer, nicknamed the “laser spec”, was developed in the Girguis Lab in collaboration with LGR Inc. It measures the carbon isotope ratios of methane and carbon dioxide. (Peter Girguis)

The in situ stable isotope analyzer, nicknamed the “laser spec”, was developed in the Girguis Lab in collaboration with LGR Inc. It measures the carbon isotope ratios of methane and carbon dioxide. (Peter Girguis)

We previously developed and deployed an in situ cavity ring-down laser absorption spectrometer capable of measuring carbon stable isotopic composition (δ13C) of both methane and carbon dioxide in the deep ocean. Leveraging several technical advances developed with our in situ mass spectrometer (ISMS), this instrument allows measurement of stable isotopes in real-time, improving our ability to biogeochemically map “hotspots” of processes such as anaerobic methane oxidation (AOM) in environments such as hydrocarbon-rich cold seeps and brine pools. To date, this instrument has surveyed several cold seeps in Monterey Bay at depths of ~1,000 m as well as volcanic gases in the Caribbean, proving itself by facilitating the isotopic detection of subsurface AOM as well as biogenic and thermogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This and related technologies continue to be developed in the laboratory of Dr. Anna Michel at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.


In-Situ mRNA Sample Homogenizer (iSMASH)


The High-Pressure Respirometry System (HPRS) and the High-Pressure Mobile Laboratory